Thursday, May 31, 2012

Project 2- Inside/outside

For this assignment I considered the ideas about graffiti that I learned from the documentary Style Wars.  Some of the aspects of what I took away from the graffiti/hip-hop culture was their desire to get their names and work seen by as large of an audience as they could.   Since the 70s and 80s the ways of reaching a large audience has changed greatly due to the internet.  The internet can be considered a public space that is greatly accessible to everyone and can reach a world wide audience.  The ideas of using tags of nicknames have also been created on the internet with the use of usernames.  Many people, such as myself, use the same username on every site, making it easier for myself and my work to be identified. 

While I was considering what social scenes I belong to I could only come up with a couple of answers that related to websites only.  While I have friends outside of the internet I rarely socialize with them in what could be considered a regular social scene.  Through websites such as and I have found that my social groups have widened due to shared interests created by these websites.  

With these ideas in mind I decided to create a burner that would depict my username using paint and paper.  I then decided to incorporate this imagery into websites that I frequent to add to the visual identification of my username (meltedsquirrel) , in much the same way that a tag would bring notoriety to individual taggers.  I used a bold outline and tried to use bright shades of red to incorporate a small part of style taken from graffiti. 

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