Saturday, May 19, 2012

Walk 5/17- Desire Lines

For the walk focusing on desire lines I decided to go along a pedestrian path that I knew was in a desert area known for being an area that a lot of off roading takes place in, as well as a place that many people cut across to get to another part of town. While I'm not one to wander off through the desert as a short cut due to too many tales of misfortune growing up, I definitely could see the appeal to stray off the beaten path and follow some of the half forged trails that led off in other directions.  That desire grew stronger when my walk started to pass the 45 minute mark and I could see where I started the walk but knew that a lot of winding path lay between myself and the end of the walk.  I encountered a no trespassing sign almost immediately upon beginning my walk but it didn't seem to have been kept in very good shape and the amount of tracks through the desert prove that it wasn't a well heeded sign.
There were many tracks that led off in different directions, some populated with foot prints, bike tires, and the tire tracks left behind by four wheelers. 
Sometimes the tracks led away from the foot path while other times they ran along side it.
I encountered some examples of desire lines that were created by non human entities while I was walking.
While fire ants aren't known for orderly,closely followed lines like other ants, after taking a few moments to watch them they definitely followed along a route from their home to another destination out in the desert.

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